Shock as witchcraft incident in Mombasa turns out to be stage-managed for business interest
Yesterday September 6th the internet was awash with photos and videos of naked thieves who supposedly got busted thanks to witchcraft spell cast upon after they stole a car.
In the shocking incident, the two thieves stripped naked, sang, danced and spoke in tongues as Bamburi recidents watched in disbelief.
Well, the whole drama in Bamburi was stage-managed. Police arrested five people – two Ugandan men, Kenyan woman and the two alleged thieves for attempting to defraud Bamburi residents; the witch doctors claiming they performed rituals to supernaturally locate two men who allegedly stole a Nissan Fuga car.
It’s now established that the two Ugandan nationals and the Kenyan woman – Catherine Omok stage-managed the Wednesday morning incident in Bamburi alongside the two thieves. The move was aimed at creating a buzz with the intention of advertising witchcraft services offered by Daktari Taichii.
The two Ugandan witch doctors and two other men who posed as the disgraced thieves, were arrested and arraigned before the Shanzu Law Court later in the day.
Police sources say the woman, who alleged to be the owner of the ‘stolen’ car, was grilled at the Bamburi Police Station.
Confirming the incident, Kisauni OCPD Christopher Rotich said the three planned the deceit scheme with the intention of hoodwinking Kenyans into subscribing for their witchcraft services.