
Sherlyne Anyango Narrates How Her Instagram Got Hacked, Used For Condom Advertisement (Screenshots)

Cyber crime has been more pronounced when it comes to Instagram accounts with the most followers. Hackers mainly target celebrities’ accounts and use them to con more people. On this occasion, Kenyan socialite Sherlyne Anyango was on the receiving end.

She had been inactive for weeks, reason being, she was hacked. Sherlyne adds that a company called Jambo Jet inboxed her asked her to be their brand ambassador; Little did she know that this was the master plan. She gave them some details and after going offline, she couldn’t access her account anymore.

How Sherlyne Got Hacked

”I got hacked by some b****who were pretending to be jambo jet a flying company but they have changed their name to @lnstagiammer. All this happened on 13th march . They started by asking me to be their brand ambassador. I din’t think twice after looking at their page because i saw it had over 30k followers . So i replied to their DM…

They then asked me for my number and ID i din’t give them my ID coz of known reasons. I gave them my number innocently and gmail .
After that i went offline coz i was finishing my errands Going back on my phone i was so surprised that i’ve been logged out from my account just like that then afew of my friends called me asking why i’m posting condom adverts i got so shocked then the guy started texting a few people asking for the contacts and he deleted some of my pics and videos.

With the help of. Afew friends we managed to log him out thats why he didnt continue with his shawdy work but still at this time i could not access my account so a pal called Roy came to me n told me that there’s no way out of this and that i should contact instagram directly .

To cut the long story short that is how i’m back here having learnt a lesson.”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
