
“She thrived in obscenity and vulgarity” Ezekiel Mutua gives Caroline Mutoko a dressing down

Caroline Mutoko and Ezekiel Mutua’s beef is only gaining momentum. The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) CEO has since decided to go all out against the former radio queen.

Caroline and Ezekiel first clashed last week when she stated that corruption and poor policies on the part of KFCB was the reason why a short film based on the life of a Kenyan community organizer – Kennedy Odede was being film in South Africa instead of Kenya.

Even though Caroline apologized and pulled down the video that made Mutua catch a major one, the former radio queen once again rubbed the KFCB boss the wrong way in a video uploaded on YouTube on Monday October 2nd.

Caroline challenged Mutua to make sure he lands the movie or movies that will make Kenyans proud like what ‘Out of Africa’ did over 20 years ago.

Ezekiel replied to Caroline’s video by claiming that she makes money through sideshows. The KFCB boss stated that Caroline is best remembered for setting the wrong agenda for obscenity and vulgarity on the airwaves during her tenure at Kiss 100.

Below is Ezekiel’s post:

Our standards as Kenyans are so low that Caroline Mutoko and Mutahi Ngunyi are actually celebrated opinion shapers. Yet, theirs is pathetic, debilitating armchair journalism that adds zero value to the national development agenda. For now let me deal with Caroline and her weekly rantings about the film industry in Kenya. Please get some basics right madam: KFCB is the regulator of the film industry. KFC markets Kenya as a preferred filming destination. Chris Foot, of whom you speak with such adoration, is actually the one to respond to your questions about movies being taken away from Kenya. I will respond to the rest of the inaccuracies later, but it hurts to see a journalist of Mutoko’s calibre openly mislead the public. Well, there is a silver lining though: Ezekiel Mutua and KFCB have brought the film discourse to the fore. So much so that the failure of other institutions is blamed on us. We have stood our ground about the need to clean the airwaves and bring sanity back on our screens. People like Mutoko can’t be part of this crusade and they are out to sabotage it, through sideshows, because that’s how they made their money – by corrupting moral values of our society through obscene sex talk radio shows during the watershed period. There is so much I can say about Mutoko’s tenure at Kiss 100 and how she set the wrong agenda for obscenity and vulgarity on our airwaves, but the less said the better. Suffice it to say that the worst threat to media freedom is not Government; it’s unprofessional journalists who play god with their platforms to malign their subjects. Mutoko’s clips fall short of the basic tenets of journalism – accuracy, objectivity and fairness!

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
