Shakilla makes come back by exposing thirsty DM from Andrew Kibe
There is something about the new age celebrities in that, no matter how hot or handsome you are – you cannot survive in the entertainment industry without good content to attract an audience. If not, you become more of a one hit wonder and just like that you’re forgotten….doubt me? Ebu ask Shakilla.

You see the last time we talked about her – word had it that she had beaten up one of her Nigerian boyfriends after he dumped her for someone knew. With that, its only fair to assume she lost a number of fans…i mean who wants follow a toxic person when life is already hard as it is.
Anyway the said socialite then disappeared for a while until this past weekend when she decided to unveil an old DM she once received from Kibe – who by the way….sorry to say had no shame hitting on a teenager (Shakilla was 18 at the time)…talking about a pantiles situation.
Shakilla back with the clout
Well having sent the DM in 2020, Shakilla recently made it seek like Kibe just hit her DM as she shared the screenahot online saying;
Yall are Simpson this the same guy talking trash about me on YouTube but wanna hit my DM
But like the swahili say – Njia ya muongo ni fupi and just like that….instead of fans attackinf Kibe they turned against Shakilla calling her out for picking a fight with the content creator over a weak moment he had back in 2020 when thanks to her tweaking videos.
Whats actually worse is that many are pretty sure Andrew Kibe isnt the only man that left a thirsty DM at the time; because if you remember well – Shakilla was parading her body on social media like her life depended on it….then 2 years later she reacts to a mess she created? They say respect is earned and however you carry yourself is how you be carried by everyone you associate with.
Anyway below are a few comments from fans reacting to Shakilla’s post.