
At 20 years of age, Shakilla should begin rebranding her image

Shakilla is only twenty years old. Let that sink in. The girl revealed to the world that she was a heaux who had slept with hundreds of men among them being Kenya’s A-list celebrities including Victor Wanyama who has vowed to sue her to clear his name.

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Let’s move on. This girl has done more trolloping than a lot of Kenyan girls even ten years older than her and that is a very crazy fact especially when we take into account that that statistic includes women from Kisumu, Coast and Nairobi.

Shakilla has a reputation for being a loose girl

So when she recently revealed that she is still only 20 years old, I was shook. I couldn’t believe that I am three years older than this girl because all her living has left her looking thirty-five and jaded.

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Shakilla is truly an example of why people claim that hard living ages women to an extreme extent. But away from all that, I want to advise her to begin to change the outlook her personal brand has taken. And I would wager the house she wants to change it because previously, I had spoken on the matter and said,

Shakilla slaying on haters who rightfully call her a heaux

“Shakilla is sick and tired of you lot calling her outside her name and correctly identifying her behaviour as being that of a heaux. And she wants you all to know that it is wrong and it hurts her feelings and we should all stop being such meanies.

It would also help if we could conveniently get a case of retrograde amnesia and have it affect the parts of our brain that have stored the memory of her saying she gets paid to have sex by various men including celebrities.”

And if we can tell the truth, the only route available to Shakilla would be for her to go the church route and completely immerse herself in that community because she is young enough for her to get a few years under her belt in that circle that we will forget all about her past.

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And should she fail to actually change the way people are seeing her, as a socialite or worse still, as a trollop, then she will truly suffer in years to come. She is going to have to deal with the ramifications of her nonsense from her family. Now her kith and kin know she is a trollop. But family defends family. However, when she finally decides to settle down, no high-value man will want to claim her as his. No man who has ambition bigger than his breaches will want to have her by his side or even raising his children. And if she does meet a simp (she definitely will meet a weak-willed man) who wants her to be his, what happens when she has to invite her man over to her parent’s to negotiate dowry? Her family will be humiliated in the process of negotiating.

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Can you imagine what would happen when Shakilla is married? Her husband’s friends will not respect her and I can foresee a clown tucked somewhere who would actually try to buy her body even though she is married to his mans.

Shakilla claimed she has slept with Khaligraph Jones only to apologize for lying

Watch this space. We are about to see a more mature Shakilla in the next few years attempting to change her reputation and she will get angry at anyone who dares to repeat her own words to her. But as they say, the mouth shall eat itself.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
