
Seth Olale & Stephen Letoo Among Journalists Banned from Parliament

In a controversial move that has sparked outrage among media professionals and advocates for press freedom, Citizen TV political affairs journalist Stephen Letoo and his colleague Seth Olale have reportedly been banned from Parliament.

This decision follows their coverage of the anti-Finance Bill protests, during which youth invaded the National Assembly. Citizen TV was among the media houses providing coverage of the protests, which ultimately led to the president declining to assent to the controversial bill.

Stephen Letoo took to social media to express his dismay over the ban. According to Letoo, the reason given for the ban is that the journalists allegedly expose members of parliament to security threats.

“So now Hon Moses Wetangula, National Assembly Speaker and PSC Chair, wants to KICK OUT Journalists Covering Parliament from the Precincts (Media Centre) on grounds we are a source of ‘insecurity to MPs’ following #OccupyParliament coverage! If N.A wants blackout, Senate wants transparency,” said Letoo.

Letoo further stated that more journalists are being targeted by the ban, including his colleague Seth Olale, who has been part of the media coverage of the protests.

“Other than relocation of Parliamentary Journalists to outside Parliament, there is a resolution to BAN some journalists, myself included, who covered #OccupyParliament from stepping in the new area. Seth Olale, who exposed the MPs’ escape tunnel, is also banned,” said Letoo.

Reacting to the move, Seth Olale said it was ill-informed and a violation of media freedom, emphasizing that all they did was highlight what was happening.

“Reliable sources within Parliament confirm that indeed I have been BANNED from Parliament alongside my colleague Stephen Letoo because of our role in highlighting #OccupyParliament. This reported move by PSC is ill-advised and against media freedom,” said Olale.

The ban is reportedly sanctioned by the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) and backed by National Assembly Speaker and PSC Chair, Moses Wetangula.

The relocation and ban of journalists from the precincts of Parliament hinder their ability to provide timely and accurate reporting on legislative activities, which is essential for an informed citizenry.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
