
Senator Orwoba suspended from senate till 2024

Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba has been suspended from the Senate until February 2024 for gross misconduct. The Senate Powers and Privileges committee, chaired by Speaker Amason Kingi, delivered the harsh punishment after Orwoba failed to honor its invites and summons to defend herself against damning allegations.

The committee found Orwoba guilty of two charges:

  • Making unsubstantiated allegations of sexual favors being solicited in Parliament.
  • Making allegations of favoritism and discrimination in Parliament.

The committee also found that Orwoba had disrespected fellow senators and imputed improper motives on them.

Orwoba will not be allowed to attend senate plenary and committee sessions, or access the precincts of Parliament, during her suspension. She will also be barred from local and foreign travel.

The committee recommended that Orwoba apologize to the Senate, its members, the clerk of the Senate, and the Secretariat of Parliament when she returns to the Senate in February 2024.

Majority leader Aaron Cheruiyot said the situation is embarrassing to the Senate, as this is the first time the committee has recommended such severe punishment for a senator. He called on the Senate to debate the report and decide Orwoba’s fate.

Nyamira Senator Okongó Omogeni said the suspension is unprecedented and excessive. He said Orwoba is a young female senator who should be nurtured and allowed to grow.

The Senate will debate the report and vote on Orwoba’s fate on a date to be announced.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
