
Senator Anwar’s girlfriend Aeedah Bambi rescues 8 year old girl from early marriage (Photos)

Aeedah Bambi and husband Senator Anwar have been laying low since her alleged fight with Saumu Mbuvi, ex wife to the Mombasa Senator.

However despite their silence turns out that the couple has been working on Aeedah’s foundation which focuses at empowering and awakening the youth from poverty in Africa. It also helps the less fortunate, mostly kids, young girls and women in our society.

To show one of her biggest accomplishments since starting this charity foundation, the mother of one shared a story of an 8 year old girl Samburu girl said to have risked facing FMG and early marriage according to her traditions.

From what Bambi says is one of her followers reached out with the heartbreaking story, hoping the girl would get help. Of course being a girl child mum, the lady through her foundation stepped in and did what any other able would have done.

I have a girl, 8 years old whom they want to marry off and to undergo FGM sooner if I hear. You know the Samburu traditions and the most hurting thing is that she is so young. I really wanted her to go to school. Does your organisation help in buying anything? If you could help me incur for uniform, and shopping, her parents are poor, just livestock keepers, I’m a student in my third year but I will be helping her where I can for now. She is still in manyatta but I wanted her rescued, even when if she can come to my place for now.

Aeedah to the rescue

From the IG stories shared, we understand Aeedah Bambi ensured the young girl had been enrolled in a secure boarding school; and was well prepared right before her admission.

Aeedah comes through for 8 year old girl
8 year old Girl rescued from early marriage

Well, despite the negative stories associated with her brand, clearly Bambi is doing something on the low by giving back to the society.

But again this being a political year – politicians and their wives continue to do the impossible kwa ground to win back some lost votes.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
