
Sean Andrew Says Uhuru Kenyatta’s Son Was Unfairly Targeted by Government

Sean Andrew, the grandson of late President Mwai Kibaki, has said that he believes John Jomo Kenyatta, the son of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta, was unfairly targeted by the government.

Andrew made the comments during the grand opening of Chateau 254 Cellar Gastro Club, which is owned by Akothee’s daughter Vesha Okello. He said that he knows Jomo personally and believes that he is innocent of the accusations leveled against him.

“Jomo is someone I know personally and I think he was unfairly targeted,” Andrew said. “I am not gonna pick sides politically or anything but I think Jomo is innocent so is Mama Ngina, they should not have targeted anyone unrelated to what their disagreements are.”

Andrew also said that he believes that the government should not have involved the public in the dispute between Jomo and his father. He said that the two men should “talk it out” and that the public should not be dragged into their personal disagreements.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
