
Schoolboy error: DCI Reverses Course on Macharia Gaitho’s Dramatic Arrest

The Director of Criminal Investigation, Mohamed Amin, has now acknowledged that the arrest of veteran journalist Macharia Gaitho was a case of mistaken identity. Gaitho was taken into custody on Wednesday morning at Karen Police Station.


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“We apologize to Gaitho. It was a case of mistaken identity,” Amin stated.

According to Amin, they were actually looking for another individual who shares the same name as Gaitho.

Gaitho’s daughter has confirmed that her father was returned to Karen Police Station in the same vehicle in which he was initially taken.

“I’m with my dad @MachariaGaitho. He’s just been brought to Karen police station by the car that abducted him,” Anita Gaitho tweeted. “He’s safe although they roughed him up a bit. We’re making the abduction report right now.”


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Gaitho was forcefully apprehended at Karen Police Station while he was accompanied by his son. They were intercepted by a Subaru as they left their residence. Gaitho then drove to the police station where he was forcibly placed into a vehicle.

A video shared by the Star shows Gaitho being pushed into a white Probox inside the station by individuals in plain clothes while police officers observed the incident. The video was recorded by his son.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
