
School Selection Frenzy: Unveiling Kenya’s Most Sought-After High Schools

The highly anticipated results of the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) school selection are in, revealing the top ten most coveted institutions among graduating students. Education CS Ezekiel Machogu confirmed that all 400+ scorers will secure coveted spots in national schools.

Thrilling Competition for Limited Seats:

Kabianga High School claimed the top spot, attracting a staggering 186,357 candidates, exceeding its capacity of 672 by over 180,000! Nanyuki High followed closely with 158,741 selections, vying for its 480 available places.

Beyond the podium, the competition remains fierce. Pangani Girls, Kapsabet Boys, and Alliance Girls each drew over 140,000 applicants, far outnumbering their capacities. This trend continues throughout the top ten, highlighting the intense desire for admission to these prestigious institutions.

Demand Outpaces Capacity:

Maseno School, Nakuru High School, and Butere Girls round out the middle of the pack, receiving 123,777, 115,513, and 114,635 selections respectively, significantly exceeding their capacities. Mang’u High and Alliance High, occupying the final two spots, also witnessed overwhelming interest, with more than 110,000 applicants for each school.

Exciting Possibilities and Tough Choices:

These figures paint a vivid picture of the high aspirations and fierce competition among Kenya’s young learners. While many students have successfully secured their top choices, thousands more face the difficult task of adjusting their expectations and exploring alternative options within the available capacity.

Next Steps and Looking Forward:

With the initial excitement of selection settling, candidates and their families now turn their attention to preparing for their transition to high school. The Ministry of Education will continue to guide both successful and disappointed applicants through the next steps, ensuring a smooth and successful transition for all students as they embark on their secondary education journeys.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
