
Savage: Lilian Muli throws heavy shade at parents creating social media pages for their toddlers

Lilian Muli is one of the sweetest news anchors we have come to know! But despite her gentleness, the mum of 2 also has a tough or rather mean side that comes to play once in a while.

As seen on her on her page, Lilian Muli shared a post addressed to simple minded people. According to Lillian she values her own privacy and this is why we rarely get to see her family on social media.

However there are those who enjoy showering their partners with beautiful messages; yet these praised partners are not on social media. Probably this ends up looking like unnecessary show off hence annoying those who follow you. Addressing those with such behaviors, the lass wrote:


Also read: “My heart belongs to one man only!” Lilian Muli denies chasing men on social media

Privacy is power! Why are you professing your love to your person if they arent even on IG? Just tel them in person.

Parents running their toddler’s pages

Another thing that also seems to annoy Ms Muli is having parents open IG accounts for their toddlers pages. According to Muli, this is also another annoying habit that parents need to put an end to. The lady who happens to double up as a an anchor and a mum of two adorable boys went on to add;

Also read: What Lilian Muli’s assertion that she chases after men says about her

Also I wonder when we open instagram for our babies have we given them an option to grow up and decide whether they want a public life? Smh

Judging from celebrities parents from East Africa, almost everyone with social media page for their child; meaning this too is a trend…and could probably have no direct effect on the kids. No?

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
