
Sauti Sol’s LGBTQ member Chimano absent from Riggy G photos

Kenya’s Deputy President, colloquially known as Riggy G, was recently in Gaborone Botswana for the Forbes 30 under 30 function and while there he got to hobnob with African stars such as Davido and Sauti Sol.

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He was obviously proud of this fact and took to his social media to share it along with photographs of himself with various stars but Kenyans have noticed that one particular member of Sauti Sol was absent and that is the LGBTQ number, Chimano.

One such eagle-eyed Kenyan was quick to point out the fact to Edgar Obare and that was when we two took notice and realise that in every photo that featured Sauti Sol, Chimano was nowhere to be found. Was this a coincidence? Did Riggy G’s press team create this situation or did the LGBTQ member opt out in protest?

Perhaps Chimano opted out as a way to make a statement against what many especially in the west would consider his personal and indeed the national homophobic stance against the LGBTQ given some of his statements and the government position on the matter.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
