
Sauti Sol selects all-female artistes for Sol Generation

Six female East African artists have been shortlisted for the Sol Generation Artists Development Program, which aims to equip them with the skills they need to develop their talents and compete globally. The program will provide the artists with industry knowledge and competitive techniques to thrive in the global music scene.


The six artists selected for the program are:

  • Lukundo Sikombe (Tanzania)
  • Bakhita Muniafu (Kenya)
  • Arline Conslate (Kenya)
  • Yong Dana (Kenya)
  • Wakesho (Kenya)
  • Juanita Tunu (Kenya)


The six-month program will cover a range of topics, including:

  • Brand development
  • Song writing
  • Dance and performance
  • Marketing
  • Voice training
  • Music distribution

The program is funded by the Ignite Culture Fund and curated by the British Council and Heva Fund. It will culminate in the production of an EP for the top four musicians.

Artists’ Thoughts

The artists expressed their excitement about the program and the opportunities it will provide them. Arline Conslate said that she is “expecting to be the best” and wants to “sing her soul out.” Wakesho said that the program is a “dream come true” and that she is “grateful for this opportunity.” Juanita Tunu said that she is “excited for the future” and feels like it is “the start of something new.”


The Sol Generation Artists Development Program is a valuable opportunity for six talented female East African artists to develop their skills and advance their careers. The program is a testament to Sol Generation’s commitment to supporting the development of East African music.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
