Saumu’s ex husband Anwar Loitiptip allegedly beating up his new woman like a Burukenge
Image: Aeedah, Saumu and Senator AnwarWord has it that we were right, Aeedah Bambi’s relationship with Senator Anwar is turning into a battle field; and unfortunately she is the one on the losing end considering her battle is with a man.
Well, after a source revealed that she has been receiving blows from Anwar, the lady has been making sure that there is no evidence to confirm the rumors; but again thanks to those who around her we have more details to the toxic relationship.

According to a source that recently reached out to Edgar, we understand that Bambi has been facing the wrath of her new man; simply because he cannot stand the fact that she has been coparenting with Steve Oduk. The father to her 4 year old daughter.
New details on broken relationship
Well, from the post shared by Edgar, we’ve been made to understand the so called couple have been having regular fights; and at some point things got so bad to a point where the senator pulled a gun on the mother of 1.

The source goes on to paint Anwar as an insecure man; who had been hoping Aeedah would cut off her baby daddy since he (Senator) is handling the 4 year old as his own.
In yet another post, the source confirmed that the Zanzibar trip we all saw Aeedah flaunt on social media; was to mend their relationship’ after the beating she received during Bahati’s event in June.
When asked why Aeedah continues to put up with this life; the source responded by saying;
Maybe the public eye. I hope she gets the confidence to walk away from an abusive partner.
It’s however funny how things have turned upside down barely six months after she snatched him from Saumu Mbuvi; so could it be Karma or the God of Saumu playing his part?