
Samidoh’s rumoured new babe posts defiant statement after Karen Nyamu rubbished her

Image: Kikuyu Benga musician Samidoh

Samidoh has been linked to a new babe who has been spotted either with him ion his American tours or wearing his clothes -something the Kikuyu folk song artist seems to let his women do to mark his territory. The new babe, Kui Wangu, is a Kenyan based in America and for some reason the internets are convinced she is Samidoh’s new catch.

‘Kuna Shida Gani Nikimpost?’ Karen Nyamu Responds To A Fan Over Posting Samidoh On Social Media

Karen Nyamu was asked about whether she was aware of Samidoh increasing his “retinue” and she quickly dismissed the gossip as being idle and lame -no legs to stand on. But after all was said and done, Ms Wangu quietly took to her social media to post a rather defiant message.

She said;

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
