
“Samido is where?” Questions raised by Karen Nyamu’s missing photo.

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu is under scrutiny following her recent social media post sharing moments from her youngest daughter’s birthday celebration. Despite the apparent joyous occasion attended by family and close friends, the absence of her baby daddy, Samidoh, has sparked curiosity among fans.

The event, beautifully captured in snapshots, included notable attendees such as Kiambu Senator Karungo Wa Thang’wa. However, the absence of Samidoh has raised questions about his presence at the festivity.

Speculation has been circulating about the status of Karen Nyamu’s relationship with Samidoh after his visit to his wife and children in the United States, suggesting a potential rift between the couple.

In her online post, Karen Nyamu expressed gratitude to the attendees, acknowledging their contributions to making the celebration memorable. Despite the warmth in her message, the absence of Samidoh from the shared images has triggered inquiries from fans eager to determine whether he was present at the event.

On Monday, February 26, in a separate development, Samidoh took to social media to extend birthday wishes to his daughter with Karen Nyamu.

“Happy birthday to my little girl. Watching you grow brings so much happiness. Here’s to many more wonderful years ahead.”

Here are some of the reactions:

Sammy Ondimu Ngare: “Nascrallah down na sioni picha natafuta..aki Mungu badilisha mind yangu.. Happy birthday.”

Denza Denza: “Nime scroll mpaka chini sioni iyo picha anywahos let me laugh in a way that please s God.”

Shiku Raycious: “I have scrolled all photos ndio nione picha ya msikari.”

Veronica Kabatha: “Happy birthday babygirl, kila mtu anatafuta picha fulani aki Kenyans.”

Bridgette Lihavi Musalia: “I have scrolled, scrolled scrolled scrolled scrolledd and scrolled but sijapata kile natafuta. Should I continue scrolling? N I scroll out.”

Beth Muriuki: “Should I continue scrolling, I think there is a missing pic.”

Senator Nyamu has yet to address the queries regarding Samidoh’s absence from the event.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
