
Sam West Speaks On Vasectomy & Blended Families

Vasectomy is a controversial topic in Kenya, where having many children is often seen as a sign of virility and social status. However, with the rising cost of living, more and more men are considering vasectomy as a form of family planning.

Sam West is one man who is not interested in getting a vasectomy. In a recent interview with Mpasho, he said,

“I would never undergo a vasectomy. You might get to an age where God wants you to get another child, what would happen then?”

West’s comments reflect the traditional Kenyan view of vasectomy, which is often seen as a form of castration. However, there are many misconceptions about vasectomy, and it is important to remember that it is a safe and reversible procedure.

In addition to his views on vasectomy, West also spoke about blended families. He said that he and his ex-wife, Vivianne, were often pressured to have a child of their own, even though they both had children from previous relationships.

“People tend to think that when you bring another child he/she will bring unity to the relationship,” West said. “But the truth of the matter is that the union of a relationship depends on whether the couple wants to be together or not.”

West’s comments about blended families are a reminder that family is not always about blood relations. It is about the love and commitment between two people.

Whether or not you choose to have a vasectomy is a personal decision. However, it is important to be informed about the procedure and to weigh the risks and benefits before making a decision. If you are considering vasectomy, talk to your doctor to learn more.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
