
Salvation stories: Former lesbian Michelle Ntalami shares messages from Kenyans she inspired

Michelle Ntalami was for a very long time the poster child for modern morals and lesbian lifestyle. She was a staunch advocate for LGBTQ issues and though she never fully came out to claim being a part for them, her love life and the issues that arose from that lifestyle took a front-and-center role in her public image. We saw her have issues with the likes of Chris Makena whom she accused of being a cheat and her close ties to others such as Fena Gitu.


Michelle Ntalami Shares Testimony of Leaving LGBTQ Community

But over the past 2 years, we witnessed a departure from the ranks of the lesbian coven as she slowly morphed from a woman that would send subliminal messages of support and belonging to the group to sharing gospel messages to now even being invited to churches to give speeches about things she is obviously still too green to speak up on.

Her journey has been shared on social media and she also decided to share a snippet of some of the DMs she has received since accepting the salvation of Christ and the messages are rather touching. Clearly, her decision to go public with her story of how she received Jesus Christ as her personal saviour has touched a lot of Kenyans struggling with their inequities.


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Time will tell whether or not she will stick to her salvation journey or whether she will return to her lesbian lifestyle. Time will tell whether all these changes are simply her attempt to attract a mate now that she is going through her epiphany stage and realising she wants a husband and family.

Michelle Ntalami

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
