
The sad tale of this Nairobi Tycoon who reported his V8 missing only to find it up for sale on OLX

What would you do if you were this man?

A Nairobi tycoon got the rudest shock of his life when he stumbled upon his missing 2007 VX V8 on OLX up for sale for a whopping 3 Million.

It was a normal Sunday for the man when he called up his driver to come pick up his baby at Church Army Jogoo Road at 8 AM in the morning as he sought to take care of other stuff.

Things were however to take a downturn later on when he got home and the car was not there. And when he tried to contact his driver, he was not reachable.

Right there and then he knew something was wrong so he raised an alarm on Facebook where he asked anyone who had come across the vehicle to reach him.

As he perused through the internet for more leads, he got the rudest shock of his life when he saw his precious car up for sale on OlX.

Can you imagine that?

Check out his sad predicament as first posted by Joe Muchiri:


Weeeuh ???? una tafta gari yako ime ibiwa kumbe iko OLX for cheap watu wana negotiate ??

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About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
