
Sad, but It is well! Akothee’s brother breaks down during his late wife’s final send off (Photos)

Image: Akothee

Akothee and her family are currently in mourning after losing their sister in law; who was married to Akothee’s younger brother, Allan Ignatius.

Judging from the posts shared by Akothee, the mother of 5 avoided mentioning what occurred to her late sister in law; however she went on to celebrate her for being more than a friend but a sister.

Although we may not know what Allan is going through; Akothee went on to share some special message comforting him after losing the love of his life. Akothee went on to write;

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Also read:

Asemwomo piny ,kiny an Kodi boda busia kanyo , I would not know what to do with you and the kids , I am here in bed in kisumu with your mom and your entire family ,ready to meet and receive you bro ????Be strong for us ???? @allanignatiuskokeyo AWUORO THOOOOOOO ????

Send off

Anyway, after keeping the funeral as private as possible; singer Akothee has gone ahead to share a few photos from the funeral on her page. Of course Allan who is currently struggling to get into terms with the fact that his wife is no more.

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Judging from the photos, he indeed had nothing but sorrow written all over his face; but all in all his support system continues to hold his hand through this hard time. We from the Ghafla team send our heartfelt condolesence to the family during this hard time.

Akothees sister in law laid to rest
Allans wife laid to rest
Akothee in mourning

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
