
Sad and pathetic; No one celebrates Vera Sidika on Mother’s Day

No one that matters to Vera Sidika celebrated her as a mother and she was forced to do so on her own. This is reminiscent of the sad girl in your office who sends herself flowers every Valentine’s Day so she doesn’t feel left out.

Vera Sidika hints at the reason she left Brown Mauzo

This is further confirmation that she and her husband, Brown Mauzo are literally on the rocks to the point he no longer cares to put up pretences to the contrary by making a simple social media post about how she is a great mother blah blah blah.

While it is sad to see that the marriage is in dire straits, we need to remember that this was an unlikely couple that was not “equally yolked”. And Brown Mauzo seems resigned to this being how their marriage end as his most recent post on social media was one of those, aki woiye Allah allowed this for a reason:


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
