
Ruto to Gen Zs: My Promise to Hold a Conversation with You Is Still On

President William Ruto has continued to praise the youths of Kenya, particularly the Gen Zs who were at the forefront of the anti-Finance Bill protests.

Speaking at State House on Tuesday night, the President lauded the young people for “helping our country organize our democratic discourse around issues” and assured them that his promise to hold a dialogue with them is still on.


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“I thank you and assure you that the conversation you have begun around pertinent issues of our nation will continue to inform our policy and governance decisions,” Ruto said. “As I promised on Sunday, this conversation will not be in vain.”

The President emphasized that the conversation will not only focus on issue-based, policy-oriented, and tribe-less dialogue but will also provide a framework for processing and implementing its outcomes.


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He also stated that the conversation must adhere to the rule of law. “Our national conversations on any subject matter must be conducted in a manner that respects and honors the foundational values upon which our nation is established, namely, constitutionalism, the rule of law, and respect for institutions,” he said.

President Ruto expressed concern that his planned conversation with the young people had been allegedly hijacked by dangerous criminals who caused significant damage during Tuesday’s protests. “It is possible that the criminals who reigned terror on innocent people and attempted to challenge our law enforcement deployments are still determined to continue with their dangerous behavior,” he said.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
