
Ruto rebuffs German state media push for LGBTQ

Image: LGBTQ community

President Ruto was recently interviewed by the German state media company Deutsche Welle, better known as DW.

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The topic they discussed ranged from Russia’s war with Ukraine as well as the IMF’s role in Africa.

And the last topic the journalist attempted to touch on and push was one regarding LGBTQ rights. President ruto was first asked about his opinion on Uganda’s Draconian Anti-homosexuality Bill.

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He declined to speak on Ugandan affairs as he is a Kenyan and if the DW journalist wanted to have that conversation he is free to invite president Yoweri Museveni on his show.


The journalist then pressed on to ask about Kenya’s own LGBTQ laws and whether President Ruto would be willing to view the issue as a human rights issue.

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The president was categorical in his explanation that in Kenya within the context of our culture and within our constitution it is very clear that we understand marriage as being between a man and a woman. And the fact that Kenyans voted for the constitution back in 2010 means that this is a very recent understanding rather than a colonial law we still cling onto.

President Ruto has shut down any hopes members of the LGBTQ community have that they will see a change in Kenyan laws within the town of his presidency.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
