
Ruth Matete ready to move on, remarry & start a family 2 years after losing husband

It’s been almost 2 years since Ruth Matete lost the love of her life the late pastor Beloved John Apewajoye; to a tragic gas explosion that left him with serious burns that later led to his death.

Ruth Matete at husband’s funeral

From what I remember is seeing Ruth Matete who was pregnant at the time breakdown during her husband’s burial; and for a minute her pain seemed like it would never end. Imagine losing a husband while pregnant…it’s tragic and come to think of it….she’s one strong woman, right?

Anyway as they say – time heals all wounds and guess what…Ruth Matete now says she is ready to find a husband and who will hopefully be the father of her kids. The singer/preacher revealed this in a post saying she hopes by the time she hits 40 years – she’ll have found her soulmate or just a mate to build with.

Ruth Matete looking for husband

In three year’s time,I will be 40????
Wueh!! ???? Na bado nataka nipatie Tolu brother na sister.  Someone needs to find me we do this thing tumalize.???????? Ama kuna a medical procedure to help me get twins? I would wish to finish that chapter by 40.

Ready to fall in love

At 37 years with a 2 year old – clearly Ruth Matete is at that stage where she feels time is running out. Imagine having to start from scratch…it’s time consuming and time is something she doesn’t have.

Ruth with baby Toluwa

However since she can’t change this, all Ruth can do is move fast and I guess this is what she’s exactly planning.

Inawezekana ama am watching a lot of movies????????? Meet. Fall in love. Date. Engagement. Wedding. Pregnant. Babies #thinkingoutloud #fantasies #faith #love

Well…let’s hope she finds what she is looking for.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
