
Rumoured lele Phoina says she would never date a Kenyan man. Here’s why

Beauty entrepreneur Phoina has revealed that she does not date Kenyan men.

In an interview with Trudy Kitui, Phoina said that she last dated a Kenyan man in college, and that she has not dated a Kenyan man since then.

She also said that she does not believe that Kenyan men are stingy, but that she simply has a preference for other nationalities.

Phoina’s comments come after socialite Tifanny Shakilla sparked controversy by declaring that she prefers Nigerian men over Kenyan men.

Shakilla said that Kenyan men are stingy and poor in bed, and that she prefers the more romantic and money-spending Nigerians.

Shakilla’s comments were met with mixed reactions, with some people agreeing with her and others criticizing her for her generalizations.

Phoina’s comments are more nuanced, as she does not make any negative generalizations about Kenyan men. She simply states that she does not date them, and that she has a preference for other nationalities.

It is unclear why Phoina does not date Kenyan men, but her reasons are her own. She is entitled to her preferences, and she should not be judged for them.

It is also important to note that not all Kenyan men are stingy or poor in bed. There are many wonderful Kenyan men who would make great partners.

Ultimately, the decision of who to date is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and everyone should be free to date the person they want.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
