
Rose Muhando dedicates President Uhuru Kenyatta her latest song

Gospel singer Rose Muhando is back with a new song that will definitely leave many Kenyans excited!

Well, the new song is all about gratitude as she thanks Uhuru Kenyatta for the love and support he offered her during her stay in Kenya where she was receiving treatment.

In the song she goes on to pour out her heart and praises to President Uhuru Kenyatta saying;

“Thank you His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta and all the Kenyans for the Love you showed me during my sickness in Kenya. Now am safe and ready to work for the Lord,”

Blessing on Blessing

Rose Muhando goes on to speak blessings into Uhuru’s family since he motivated her to get better and jump right on her feet without holding back on her past. In her lyrics she went on to sing;

Rose Muhando

“Kenyatta. Let your hands and your house be blessed. Let the open heavens profess blessings to you,”

Ms Muhando did not forget Kenyans as she went on to pray asking to God to protect Kenya and keep her borders safe from the enemies in her lyrics.

“You opened your arms wide and accepted me. Be blessed Kenya and all your current and future generations. I do not have anything worthy to repay you,”

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
