
Robert Burale reveals what has helped him abstain from sexual activity for five long years

Robert Burale is in a self induced dry-spell, the celebrity pastor has been living a celibate lifestyle for the past five long years.

Burale has not had sex or intimate contact with a woman since August 18th 2013 when his former wife and him went their separate ways.

The image consultant married Alex Mwakideu’s sister Rozinah Mwakideu in 2012 but their marriage crumbled after only one year and two days.

Also read: Robert Burale’s ex wife Rozinah Mwakideu reveals why she walked out of her marriage after only one year and two days

Robert Burale's ex wife Rozinah Mwakideu
Robert Burale’s ex wife Rozinah Mwakideu
Tips for celibacy

Burale opened up on why he has been able to abstain from sexual activity for five years during an interview with Massawe Japanni on radio Jambo.

He admitted that he get advances from women but he has to honor himself on how to react on the advances. He further says that he avoids situations that could make him fall into the temptation of eating the forbidden fruit.

“By the Grace of God, I have managed to abstain. Only a fool sits on fire and expects not their bum to get burned. You avoid situations that will take you that way. People and even pastors out there said that I was lying. I hide under God because I am not an old man and I don’t look bad,” said Burale.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
