
Risper Faith celebrates not being smart but being rich

Image: Risper Faith

Risper Faith has recently boasted about the fact that though she is not intelligent, she still remains to be counted among the wealthiest women.

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She recently opened up about how it was that she managed this feat and what she had to say was,
” I took some photos and posted them online that Brian sent me a direct message. Are visual beings and it is not about your personality. Did not have a big bum I would not be commercial.

At this point you can’t even be mad, you have to be impressed by the fact that Risper Faith is speaking the truth. She’s not trying to cast herself in the image of the mould of a businesswoman, she isn’t trying to say that she would have made it on her own, she’s literally saying it’s because of her assets that a wealthy man took notice of her and began pursuing her.

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She went on to boast about the fact that her KCSE results weren’t impressive. She is mediocre mentally but that has not stopped her from living in a mansion in one of Kenya’s most exclusive estate.
” I scored a C plain but I am rich. Not so bright in school but I used my big nyash to win Brian’s heart.”

Risper Faith


It really has to hurt and skinny girls who realise that they’re not particularly bright and they might not have the assets that men desire. Leave it to former socialite Risper Faith to find a way to take digs at average Kenyan women.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
