¨We are gathered here to pray for your English brother Apoko.¨ Kenyans troll Ringtone for his terrible Grammar online
Alex Apoko, the Gospel singer known by his stage name ´Ringtone´, has been known for killing the Queen´s language.
Unfortunately, the ¨Tenda Wema Nenda Zako¨ hit-maker has Kenyans up on his heels for his terrible grammar on social media.
¨Please encouraging me I feel like am not smartly dressed today my heart needs an inspiration???¨ the post read.

Ahem! What did he say again? ¨Please encouraging me I feel like…¨
No comment.
Like the Kenyans we are, we could not hold back but go after him.
¨The only encouragement you need is please enroll in some English classes. You and English are in long distance relationship like Murkomen´s teeth.¨ went Jedd Leackey.
Too deep!
¨That English only can cause miscarriage……kindly visit maternity clinic before its too late!¨ Abidal BranBill replied.
Way deeper!
¨And you are fighting Willy Paul with that grammar? ´Encouraging me´??#emoji#¨ a part of Pepe Noel´s comment read.
Hehe. I think next time Ringtone should sit tight and spare himself the traumatizing responses Kenyans give more often than not.
awuor okombo´s commented ¨Lemmie comment on the English first. dressing code ni next post.¨
You haven´t seen gee_mkenya_di_champ response yet:¨You need to dress up your brains 1st, izo zingine will just flowww.¨
This last one ¨We are gathered here to pray for your English brother Apoko.¨ Nyar Chris didn´t spare him.
These are just but a few of the responses the Gospel singer gathered on his post.
Kenyans urged Ringtone to first enroll in English classes to avoid future embarrassment and to also help create employment.
Too bad.