
Ringtone’s desperation to get a wife in ‘Natafuta Bibi’

Ringtone’s desperation to get a wife turns out to be a song Natafuta Bibi. I am left wondering if this guy is psychologically fit. However, it seems like this guy was looking for publicity and better shots to use in this jam. Recently he was thrown out of the JCC church and two days later he releases a jam Natafuta Bibi.

The gospel artist has been a drama king in the streets of Nairobi. In this song Ringtone asks for prayers from men of the cloth and asks God to bless him with a wife. I once remember him buying Zari Hassan a Range rover still in search of love.

Also, he states the kind of a wife he is looking for. Anyway, thanks to whoever asked him to do a song about this.

What is the message?

The song basically talks about his personal journey of searching for a wife. The Song is thrived from proverbs 31 that talks about a lady who is a wife material, the song narrates the qualities she needs to have in order to be pleasing on earth and in heaven.

Production of ‘Natafuta Bibi’

You all know that Teddy B  is a super audio producer. He has given  this jam a good feel. It is a super audio. Also, the video has been directed by Hanscana. This video has all aspects of art. Look at the graphics and the creativity displayed. It has met the international standards.

I’d gladly say that Natafuta Bibi is a great jam.


In addition to the good video, Ringtone has delivered this jam in the best way he could. I am in love with the lyrics. It is well scripted. Although Ringtone’s world is full of drama, he never fails to write good lines.

He quotes the words from The Holy Book in this song.

In conclusion, lets continue getting this guy a wife. The song gets a rating of 6/10.

Below is the link to the video.

About this writer:

Catherine Nderitu

An SEO writer. Review East Africa Music.. Passionate about cameras.
