
Ringtone: I nearly ended my life

Singer Alex Apoko, popularly known as Ringtone, has shared the story of the lowest point in his career, explaining his long hiatus from releasing music.

“I was facing life challenges,” he explained.

He revealed that his bank accounts had been frozen after receiving a notice from a certain government institution.

“I received a letter from a government institution, and they locked my account. I faced difficulties and lost my happiness,” he began.

“I’m used to a certain level of pride, knowing I have money in my pocket. I typically carry one hundred thousand shillings as my daily budget.”

He mentioned that certain individuals started to envy him, “They began taking away some of my property.”

“There came a time when I almost took my own life. I was very emotional, I gave up, and I wanted to hang myself.”

Despite these struggles, Ringtone has made a comeback to the music industry with a new song titled ‘Lawyer’.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
