Ringtone attacks Diana B for “promoting prostitution”
Image: Diana MaruaRingtone has decided to take shots at Diana B over her song “Narudi Soko” which he claims is promoting prostitution. According to the gospel artist this song is one that he feels a married artist especially one who is married to a gospel artist (whether current or former) shouldn’t be putting out.
Diana B Criticizing Celebrities Doesn’t Make Her Song Any Better
He was speaking while being interviewed by journalists at the courts wear his case against Robert Alai was being heard.
“Hiyo ngoma ya Diana haifai kuruhisiwa kuchezwa kwasababu inatendekeza umalaya”.

Ringtone doubtless chose this dig against Diana B because of her past which is Chequered to say the least: Remember that it was she who admitted that in the past she dated men for monetary considerations which means she had sex in a transactional fashion.
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The song itself has earned the ire of many artists who felt they were unnecessarily targeted as it features her setting records straight about her relationship with several Kenyan celebrities some of whom she felt had disrespected her before her husband Bahati made an honest woman of her.

This will be an interesting beef to watch as it unfolds because both artists are very vocal and not shy about airing their dirty linen in public. Ringtone is definitely going to be speaking more about his sentiments on her music and I do not see a future in which Diana B remain silent in the face of his criticism.
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