
Ringtone Apoko Says Bahati Must ‘Start Over’ If He Wants to Return to Gospel Music

Alex Apoko, better known by his stage name Ringtone Apoko, has said that Bahati must remove all traces of his secular music career if he wants to return to gospel music.

Apoko made the comments in an interview with YouTuber Mungai Eve. He said that he and other gospel musicians do not want Bahati to return to the gospel genre because he has already “tainted” it with his secular music.

Apoko also said that Bahati should delete his social media accounts and start over if he wants to be taken seriously as a gospel musician.

Bahati has not yet responded to Apoko’s comments.

“Tuliona kuwa bahati aliombewa pale na ikasemekana kua arudi gospel, wewe kama chairman wa gospel uko tayari?

Gospel hamtaki, mpaka afanye vitu kadhaa; akane secular music, video zote zile ameimba azidelete kwa sababu uwewzi invest kwa kingdom ya God na unatoa vitu kwa shetani ata shetani ataenda kwa Mungu amwauulize mbona mtoto wako anaiba vitu kwangu. Anahitaji kudelete ata channels zote ndo aanze afresh. Mungu atampatia tena watu wapya na pia wale watamfwata kwa iyo safari yake mpya.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
