
Ringtone Apoko Denies Landgrabbing Claims, Says He Was Robbed

Renowned musician Ringtone Apoko has denied claims that he is a landgrabber and said that he was robbed during a raid on his Karen home.

Ringtone, who was arrested on Saturday, said that the people who raided his home took things including his studio equipment. He also said that he was physically assaulted during the raid.

In a video address to vloggers, Ringtone said that he was being targeted by people who are jealous of his success. He said that he has worked hard for everything he has and that he does not deserve to be treated this way.

“I am a hardworking man,” Ringtone said. “I have never stolen from anyone. I have never grabbed land from anyone. I have worked hard for everything I have.”

Ringtone said that he is going to sue the people who raided his home and assaulted him. He said that he will not let them get away with this.

“I am not going to let them get away with this,” Ringtone said. “I am going to sue them and I am going to make sure that they are brought to justice.”

Ringtone’s case is still under investigation.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
