
This is how the richest man in Africa celebrated his birthday…P Square and Davido performed and he had over 10 birthday cakes(PHOTOS)

The richest man in Africa just celebrated his 60th Birthday and he definitely did in style.

Style in the form of celebrating it in the presence of family and close friends as opposed to what some of you would think.

Yes, Ali Dangote is 60 now and all he wanted was his family around him and lot’s of cake as the photos below clearly depict.

Also read: Oh How Gentlemanly! Look At What Africa’s Richest Man Did To Margaret Kenyatta

Who would have thought the richest man in Africa would have a sweet tooth?

He also had P Square and Davido perform which I presume are his favourite artistes.

Check out some photos of the simple occasion:

richest man in Africa

richest man in Africa

richest man in Africa



About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
