
Rev. Natasha – Dating for More Than Six Months is Unnecessary

Image: Natasha weds Carmel

Rev. Lucy Natasha has shared that a man should date a woman for no longer than six months. She believes that this period is sufficient to determine whether a relationship is serious or not.

“In my opinion, after six months, a man should be able to decide if the relationship is moving forward. If not, it’s just a waste of time,” Rev. Natasha stated.


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She also advised women against cohabiting with men who have not yet committed to marriage.

“I always tell single women not to act like a spouse to someone who isn’t ready to commit. It will only lead to burnout in marriage,” she elaborated.

Natasha also emphasized that Christians should consider dating within their faith.

“As a woman of God, I engage with people from all walks of life. While I am a believer and a preacher, I relate to people from various backgrounds. I can’t limit myself to just the church community; there are so many diverse individuals out there,” she explained.


Why Reverend Lucy Natasha is still childless

During an interview with TV host and YouTuber Dr. Ofweneke, Natasha opened up about her long-distance relationship.

Discussing her life in the “Lessons at 30″ segment, she said that their relationship works because both she and her husband are committed to it.

“I believe long-distance marriages can work if both partners are committed and communicate effectively. My husband lives in Canada, while I live in Kenya. But we frequently travel to see each other,” she shared.

When asked how often they meet in a month, she said, “It’s not about the frequency. There’s no set schedule, especially since we are only in our third year of marriage,” explained the Oracle of God.

The couple is still deciding which country to settle in, given that her husband is originally from South India and currently lives in Canada.

Regarding children, Natasha expressed her eagerness to become a mother. “I am really looking forward to it. Children are a blessing from the Lord. Even before I began my ministry in Nairobi, I was a spiritual mother to many, and it has allowed me to nurture many children spiritually. But I also deeply desire to have a few biological children.”

She added, “Having children is a blessing from the Lord, so we are waiting for His timing. We believe it will happen—maybe two or three.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
