
Refunds, Cancelled Concerts And Why Kenyan Promoters Are A Scam

Refunds seem to be anathema to Kenyan promoters and event organisers. Why am I making this bold claim? Because I still remember (sorely) that Fireboy was reportedly supposed to come and perform in Kenya.

I was excited and why wouldn’t I be? I am a huge Fireboy fan and I was looking for an excuse to leave the house and have some fun with my friends. I am one of those guys who believe in planning and so I was lucky enough to get an early bird ticket. I am also a cheapskate so… Sue me.

Anyway, As pumped as I was, I was troubled when a video of Fireboy surfaced on his IG page of him promoting a show in Zanzibar meant to be held on the same day as his performance in Nairobi. What the hell was going on? I had to find out but there wasn’t much that was going to be uncovered from my snooping about. He was indeed in Zanzibar, hyping up his concert.

Fireboy’s jam ‘Scatter” will bring the house down its a banger(Video)

I felt cheated. This was the second time the Fireboy concert had been cancelled. The last time, it was down to Covid19 restriction rules… Mr President, tear down that damn lockdown and curfew!

Fireboy DML
Fireboy DML

I called the company that I bought my tickets from, MTicket. I wanted my money back. The lady manning the customer service telephone was pleasant -it’s literally on her job description to be so- but I cannot say she was of much help. Why because all her assurances that I would be contacted and refunded have been proven false.

Sauti Sol cancel online concert following rising cases of Coronavirus patients in the country

I want my refund!

I had asked several questions regarding how they were going to get in touch with me for my refund. I was assured I would be contacted and I would be given back my money. It has been a week and guess what?!

I want my refund!

Sauti Sol: Failed concert, cancel culture and no refunds

We as a people have to start holding companies and business entities to higher standards. We should demand proper service and REFUNDS! When a company messes us for whatever reason, they should be compelled by law to give back the money they collected from their clients. MTickets owes me money. Unless Fireboy performed in my bedroom while I was out of town -but my mother would have given me an earful about this and since I have received no grief about this, I want my refund.

There has been no communication on how they intend to make this debacle up to me. They have not told me how they intend to make good. They might be bringing in Fireboy next week but I wouldn’t know anything about that. I have not been called and I want my money. It should be simple to trace who is owed what from their system. I mean, websites and payment platforms aren’t magic. It is a system that tracks my identity and ensures I get given the right amount of tickets I paid for. Hell, it should simply be an issue of pushing a button and I get my refund.

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I am tired of constantly being held at the mercy of event promoters and concert organizers. When Sauti Sol cancelled their concert, they promised to refund everyone who had bought a ticket. Why am I not being given back my money? At this point, I don’t even want to see Fireboy perform live. I will stick to watching his videos on YouTube.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
