
Red hot! Teacher Wanjiku is almost unrecognizable with a new hairstyle and sexy dress (Photos)

Teacher Wanjigu’s signature look is by far not a reflection of her beauty. The top female comedian can look really gorgeous when she decides to do so.

Teacher Wanjiku always wears a pink spot dress when she goes about her work making people laugh. The not so cool dressing style has become her signature look.

The classic Teacher Wanjiku we all know
The classic Teacher Wanjiku we all know
The new hot Teacher Wanjiku

Wanjiku caused a stir on social media when she unveiled the sexy hot version of herself. The comedian was almost unrecognizable in the photos she shared online.

She looks more of a serious corporate lady than the comedian we all know. Take a look at the photos below:



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
