
After the recent interview on Larry Madowo’s side bar, this is definitely who Nairobians want as their next women Rep(evidence)

Just who exactly is taking the Nairobi Women Rep seat?

As most of you are aware, all the women vying for the seat were featured on the side bar by Larry Madowo and it was quite interesting.

Some outrageous remarks were made and so were awkward and embarrassing ones but all in all one thing was clear, Kenyans were not impressed.

Also read:Yet another candidate announces their bid for the Nairobi Women rep seat. She’s rich, flamboyant and exceptionally sexy

Checking on the hash tag on twitter, it was pretty clear they want more oomph and zeal from the candidates. Furthermore they want a clear outlined strategy and manifesto as to what each one of them was bringing to the table.

One of them however, Wangui Ng’ang’a popularly known as B Tosha seemed to have stood out especially because of her tenacity in calling out Shebesh on her morality and what image she portrays as a leader. She was particularly concerned what impact her social media shenanigans were having on other women and young girls.

And going by these tweets we have sampled from the #sidebar, she might as well clinch this much coveted seat:

Women rep

women rep

women rep

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
