
Reason behind Wema Sepetu’s ex boyfriend arrest revealed!

Idris Sultan has been finding himself on the wrong side of the law for a while now. Just recently he was arrested for allegedly laughing off at a throwback photo of  president Magufuli; but it turns out that their is more.

The comedian who had been arrested late last year for photoshopping his face on Magufuli’s body spent just a few days in police custody; however this time around he had to stay behind the bars for 8 days before appearing in court.

This past weekend his lawyer also revealed that he was not aware of the offense committed by his client; but like everybody else, he assumed this was about Idris Sultan’s post.

Idris Sultan

Idris in court

Mr Sultan however appeared in court earlier this morning where he was charged for using a line registered under his friends name. The judge also went on to charge the friend identified as Innocent Maiga.

Also read; Comedian Idris Sultan’s joke about President Magufuli lands him in police custody

Katika shtaka la kwaza, Idris pekee anatuhumiwa kutumia laini yenye namba 0753 617621 ambayo haijasajiliwa kwa jina lake bali kwa jina la mtu mwingine ambaye jina lake ni Innocent Maiga, Na katika shtaka la pili, Innocent pekee anatuhumiwa kushindwa kuripoti ubadili wa umiliki wa laini hiyo. Pia Idris amepewa dhamani kwa masharti ya wadhamini wawili na bond ya TZS 15,000,000/= . Kesi itatajwa tena Juni 09, 2020.

His lawyer Benedict has been forced to drop the case as he will be used as witness in the ongoing case against his client. One of the post shared to update fans on the case, went on to read saying;

Idris Sultan released fom Jail

Wakili wa Idris, Benedict Ishabakaki ameondolewa kumuwakilisha Idris kwasababu atatumika kama sehemu ya ushahidi wa upande wa Jamhuri kutokana na kushuhudia mshitakiwa wake akichukuliwa maelezo Polisi, hivyo anabakia Wakili Jebrah Kambole, kesi imeahirishwa hadi Juni 9, 2020

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
