
Reality TV Star Confesses to Fabricating Lifestyle for Fame

Socialite and reality TV star Risper Faith has shared her journey to fame, admitting she once faked her lifestyle but is now focused on embracing authenticity.

Currently appearing in her second reality show, Nai-Rich, Risper previously featured on Nairobi Diaries. However, as she has matured, she is committed to showing Nai-Rich viewers a more genuine version of herself.


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“In the past, while I was chasing fame and trying to build my brand, I got caught up in a lot of fakery and lies. But when I decided to change my life, blessings started coming my way. Now, I don’t believe in sugar-coating anything,” Risper shared.

She added that many celebrities are hesitant to display their real lives.

“Many people fake it. If I had beans and black tea for breakfast, I don’t need to post a Pinterest croissant as my meal. I want to show that even celebrities have real problems and real lives,” she stated.

Risper, in her new role, feels she’s often underestimated and sees it as a chance to prove herself as an entertainer.

“I have so much talent and so much to share with the world. Being on the show will help me achieve my goals as an artist,” she said.


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Reflecting on her experiences from Nairobi Diaries to her current role, she noted that Nai-Rich is a bigger and better platform.

Risper also discussed her physical transformation, which has sparked discussions among Kenyans.

“This transformation has been life-changing. After becoming a mother and wife, I gained a lot of weight, and my self-esteem was very low. Now, I feel confident, happy, and healthy.”

To maintain her new figure, Risper is dedicated to her fitness regimen.

“I’m always at the gym. I exercise, drink water, eat well, and take my supplements seriously,” she concluded.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
