
Rayvanny recruits Dulla Makabila for ‘Miss Buza’ (Video)

Award-winning Tanzanian singer Raymond Shaban Mwakyusa, better known as Rayvanny has released a new track with his countrymate Dulla Makabila and it’s a big tune.

Also read: Stop asking musicians what else they do!

The jam titled Miss Buza has been ruling the airwaves since it came out a few days ago and to be honest, we are also feeling it.

Dulla Makabila

From my understanding, this jam is about a beautiful lass who is giving the singer sleepless nights because he’s very much in love with her.

However, he is not pleased with her bad behaviors as she likes to steal things and does not know how to take care of herself.

To be honest, the first time I heard Miss Buza I thought it was so whack but with time the song grew on me and now I can’t stop listening to it.

Miss Buza is beautiful composition. One of the things that I love about it is the wordplay. Rayvanny is a dope lyricist and to add to that, his storytelling skills are really on point. He gets you hooked from the moment you hit play.

Rayvanny Profile

He also has an amazing voice, the kind that you just want to listen to over and over, gender notwithstanding. I must also say that I was impressed by Dulla Makabila because this guy also has impeccable vocals.

The beat on this track is also dope, especially because of its’ fast tempo. The fact that the musicians could even keep up is worth writing home about.

I absolutely love the video. Although the concept is simple, the execution is brilliant. I also loved the dramatization, choreography, locations and flawless scene transitioning.

Watch Miss Buza below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

About this writer:

David Kingsley

Comme ci, comme ça [email protected]
