
Rayvanny issues apology to the mother of young lady he was accused of raping

Image: Bahati and Rayvanny

WCB singer Rayvanny was recently accused of forcing himself on a certain young lady identified as Paula Kajala. This is after the singer shared a few videos warming up to the ‘school girl;’ not knowing that her mother would end up dragging him to court.

Rayvanny and Paula Kajala

From the rumors making rounds online, we understand that actress Kajala who is Harmonize’s girlfriend; threatened to have Rayvanny behind bars for preying on her 19 year old; knowing very well she was in High school but still chose to record their nasty moments.

Rayvanny facing rape charges

However after the matter was taken to court Kajala and family decided to have this settled on the low; hence the silence over the past few weeks.  However now that Rayvanny has issued an apology – we can assure you that  chances are – the matter was resolved.

Vanny boy’s apology

As seen on Rayvanny’s latest post – the singer apologizes to both Kajala; and online parents he may have offended with his petty actions on social media. Through his IG, Vanny boy wrote;

18 year old Paula Kajala

Duniani wakati mwingine kuna vitu tunavifanya ambavyo pengine kwa macho yetu ya ujana tunaona ni sahihi; lakini tunasahau upande mwingine wa pili ambao ni wazazi wanaoumia kwa namna moja au nyingine . Nichukue nafasi hii kumuomba radhi dada angu @kajalafrida; na kuwaomba radhi wazazi na yoyote ambaye nilimkwaza kwa kupost video ambayo inawezekana imetafsiriwa vibaya. kwasababu sisi ni binadamu na kamwe hatuwezi kukamilika

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
