
Rare photo of 2 year old Maureen Waititu confirms her sons took after their mummy (Photos)

Maureen Waititu has lately been proving how happy she has become ever since accepting that baby daddy, Frankie Just Gym It chose Corazon Kwamboka over her. I mean, it’s life – so why hang on when there is pain and rejection?

Away from that, lately Maureen Waititu has been proving to be quit happy with her new life; and unlike before the mother of two has been opening about her private life to a point of sharing her photos as a baby.

Well, a few days ago – we got to see a rare photo of 2 year old Maureen Waititu; and boy has this lady been hot since her childhood. From the photo we can tell that Maureen still looks the same and the surprising part is that she is a replica of her two boys. To caption these post the popular YouTuber wrote;

2 year old Maureen Waititu

I found this old picture of Little two year old Maureen (Edit -yes two years I was a tall girl and so are my sons ????????‍♀️), with the swag ????????a few months ago at my mom’s house. I’ve been staring at it and I’ve been so emotional realizing what she’s had to fight and endure to become the woman, daughter, friend, sister and mom that she is now.

Always Thankful

Since this photo reminds her of the past, Maureen Waititu says that more than ever she now appreciates her mother for being strong; mostly because she can now relate to the life she went through while trying to fix her relationship with daddy, Mr Waititu.

Through her gram, Maureen went on to add;

Maureen Waititu with her two boys

If I could tell her something today, I’d tell her that the journey wouldn’t be easy but she’d always have a guardian Angel who would give her grace to endure every difficult season and protect her from everything the enemy throws her way. I’d also tell her that it’s okay to fall, make mistakes, bend, crush, be unsure, be imperfect, but all in all, that she needs to keep her head head high as she’s meant for greatness and that she has a purpose and duty to her ministry and generations that would see her break every curse and bondage and that she’d carry the blessings meant for them.


I’d tell her that God knew her before she was woven in her mother’s womb, that He is her author and she is who God says she is. Periodt. What would you tell a younger you?

Son’s replica

Despite it all Maureen is happy to have found the light at the end of the tunnel; and the fact that her boys took after her also makes it a win on her side. In conclusion, the yummy mummy wrote;

(Right) Maureen Waititu (Left) Son

On a fun side, swipe left and let me know if that little boy looks anything like his mom at also age 2 ????????
Ps, I was hiding my moms photo inside my shirt!????????????

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
