
Raila Odinga is unwell and has taken bed rest

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has revealed that he is unwell and has been on bed rest. The Opposition leader, who did not show up for the anti-government protests he called on Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, July 20, said that he had been suffering from a terrible flu.

Mr Odinga told the Nation that he travelled to the coast last week and spent the weekend there nursing his illness. He said that he was feeling better now and would soon be up on his feet.

The Azimio leader’s whereabouts had been the subject of speculation after he failed to show up for the protests. Some bloggers had claimed that he was unwell and admitted to an undisclosed hospital, but Mr Odinga said that these claims were not true.

He said that he had been in constant communication with his colleagues and that they were coordinating the nationwide protests.

Mr Odinga also said that he was not seeking a back-door deal with President William Ruto. He said that the Kenya Kwanza regime was being arrogant in its push to raise taxes, and that it had “refused to listen to the cries of Kenyans”.

Dr Ruto has said that he is willing to lead talks with the Opposition on the cost-of-living crisis, but he will not negotiate a power-sharing deal with Mr Odinga.

The protests are scheduled to continue until President Ruto capitulates and agrees to dialogue.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
