
Public Service Comission has 1000 vacancies

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is offering 1,000 internship opportunities in the State Department for Basic Education (SDBE) under the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP), Cohort 3.

The internship is open to graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in education with a specialization in information communication technology (ICT) or a Bachelor’s degree in ICT or a diploma in the same from a recognized institution.

The internship will run for 12 months and will be conducted at sub-county schools. Interns will be responsible for supporting e-learning and content development, providing class support and training for primary school teachers in the use of digital literacy devices, and supporting the implementation of the Digital Learning Program. They will also provide first-line support and maintenance of ICT services in the schools.

Interns will be paid by the SDBE at a rate as determined by the Government Certificate. They will also be awarded a certificate by the SDBE upon successful completion of the internship.

Interested and qualified applicants should apply online through the PSC’s job portal by September 25, 2023.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
