
PS Julius Bitok: Kenyan Birth Certificate Does Not Confirm Citizenship

A statement by Immigration Permanent Secretary Julius Bitok on Thursday, November 28, has sparked concerns among Kenyans regarding the citizenship status of their children.

The PS clarified that children under 18 years are not officially recognized as Kenyan citizens solely based on their birth certificates, as these documents do not serve as proof of citizenship. According to him, only a national identification card (ID) establishes citizenship in Kenya.

“A birth certificate does not confer citizenship. A National ID is the definitive proof of Kenyan citizenship,” PS Bitok stated.

He emphasized that while Kenyan law mandates the registration of all individuals born in the country and the issuance of birth certificates, these certificates are not sufficient evidence of citizenship. “Citizenship is tied to the National ID, and this needs to be clearly understood,” he reiterated.

The PS made these remarks during his appearance before the National Assembly’s Committee on Regional Development on Wednesday, November 28, to provide insights into the status of refugees in Kenya.

Under Kenyan law, citizenship can be acquired through birth, registration, or naturalization. A person is a Kenyan citizen by birth if, at the time of their birth, either of their parents is a Kenyan citizen, regardless of whether the birth occurred in or outside Kenya. Additionally, a child found in Kenya who appears to be under eight years old, with unknown parents and nationality, is presumed to be a Kenyan citizen by birth.

The law also allows individuals who lost Kenyan citizenship by acquiring another nationality to regain it through application.

PS Bitok also appealed to the Ministry of Interior for increased funding to address challenges in managing refugee affairs. He noted that the Department of Refugee Services (DRS) is struggling with severe budget constraints, which have hindered its ability to manage the growing refugee population effectively.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
