
Prophet Lovy’s Marriage Advice

Prophet Lovy, husband of designer and stylist Maggy Elias, recently shared his insights on what men should consider before entering marriage. His emphasis lies on personal stability and preparedness before taking on the responsibility of a spouse.

Planning and Provision:

Lovy advises against rushing into marriage without a clear direction and secure means to provide for a family. “If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t get married,” he states, highlighting the importance of a defined path before leading another person on it.

Protection and Security:

He further expands on the role of a husband as a protector and provider. “How are you going to protect her, provide for her, and secure her future?” he asks. He encourages men to have established plans and resources in place before taking on these crucial responsibilities.

Shared Growth and Purpose:

Lovy underscores the importance of both partners contributing to the union’s growth. “A woman is a helper,” he explains, but clarifies that this shouldn’t imply dependence. He emphasizes the need for men to have their own pursuits and goals, allowing for a collaborative partnership where both spouses contribute to shared aspirations.

Self-Discipline and Realistic Expectations:

Prophet Lovy also stresses the importance of self-awareness and realistic expectations. He warns against projecting unattainable goals onto a partner, stating, “If you don’t have self-discipline, don’t marry. You are going to have false expectations for her that you yourself cannot achieve.”

Honesty and Patience:

Honesty and patience emerge as key cornerstones for a successful marriage in Lovy’s message. He advises young men to “take their time” and understand that “marriage is sweet at the right time.”

Analogy and Humor:

Using his brother Aj’s humorous analogy, Lovy likens marriage to a credit card: “You use that thing right, it’s gonna get you your credit score high, you use it wrong and it’s gonna go all the way down.” This lighthearted comparison underscores the importance of responsible choices and commitment within a marriage.

Overall, Prophet Lovy’s message emphasizes the importance of personal stability, shared goals, realistic expectations, and responsible commitment before embarking on the journey of marriage.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
