
Pritty Vishy attacks Stevo Simple Boy’s wife

Image: Pritty Vishy

Pritty Vishy seems to be having a meltdown ever since she split up with Stevo Simple Boy because for some reason she is unable to even move on after she revealed she had been cheating on him and this led to their breakup.

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At the time of their breakup, she would talk to everyone about the fact that she is doing better now that she is alone and she was finally liberated enough to around shopping for better options who she had some of y’all believing that.

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Pritty Vishy however, did not tell the entire truth. She has been gutted ever since she realised that no one wanted her for anything other than clout. And in the meantime, Stevo was growing from strength to strength.

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Now that he has announced that she has lost the man entirely, now that she has realised he wants nothing to do with her and is focused on starting a family, she cannot handle it. When Pritty Vishy isn’t attacking Stevo, she is crying on social media about him. And when that’s not the case, she is tearing at his new woman.

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It’s sad but it doesn’t seem like this will end.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
